Nick Nichols

Clojure Developer and Dungeon Master

Error And Trial

With a willing assistant in their rank, the party set off- following the coerced instructions to the Crooked Creek Knoll. Marion lead them through to front gates, and with the advance word from Marie Osterlen Krug and Krew managed to leave Whitestone. Their directions were surprisingly accurate. After several hours crossing the plains to the nearest creek, they found the remnants of a tress struck by lightning. Pressing down the overgrown paths further, they found themselves in a small wooded area overlooking a cave’s entrance. Beneath them, two kobolds stood guard. Their ill-fitting armor and lack of focus proved fatal as they were ambushed by the party- who then blindly charged forward.

Dashing into the dimly lit hideout, Thalen, Krug, and Clegane quickly pivot towards the rabid barking of wolves to their side. They see two chained beasts beneath ledge. Standing above the dogs, they see two ominously familiar masks- made of jade and obsidian. Seeing their hideout breached, they yelled back to an unseen figure, “Go! Complete the ritual!” In response, three of our heroes begin climbing the rock wall to varying degrees of success.

Meanwhile, Birdie, Jack, and Marion charge up the back route- only to find it booby-trapped. Realizing the danger too late, they scrambled to turn around as their legs were swept up from beneath them by several tumbling logs.

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